Who is Rudi Yero?

He’s my hero, the man I chase every day. Rudi Yero is me ten years from now. He’s the perfect embodiment of all the values, skills, and perspectives I work on internalizing.So who am I? Well, my given name is Rodolfo Villanueva, but everyone calls me Rudy. Over the past decade, my learning has focused on mastering financial and physical fitness. Some of the paradigms that have most influenced me are value investing, Austrian economics, and CrossFit.In 2021 I took a sabbatical in which I re-discovered bitcoin and crypto. Now I’m having fun leveraging these new technologies toward building a brighter future.

What am I building?

Over the years I’ve been crafting a project in the fitness space that I believe changes the world. However, I nor all the necessary tech is ready.With this as my chief aim, the following two endeavors should get me close enough:

An adult animated series built on Ethereum.

What am I investing in?

At the moment I’m focused on acquiring more of the following assets: